Desire is not a reaction -- we may have quite varied reactions to it. Curiosity is not a reaction, but an external force. We are not that -- which was here before we learned it. Curiosity exists for the amoeba, and thus for every white corpuscle. And possibly for every cell in our bodies. It is planted in the unborn beings, and for want of a better word we call it instinct. It propels the new-born to look for food, and propels him so relentlessly that there is no chance for the food-seeking to have any origins in deliberate action. Desire is likewise implanted in the being before it is born, and it continues to propel us until the day of our death. It, too, is not something learned, or reasoned out.
Some of us may be generals, priests, or Indian chiefs, but we are still basically robots, hiding beneath elaborate robes the gears that are the signs of our slavery. While we pose as movers of planets.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Saturday, October 30, 2004
The Mind
we are in reality a string of luminous, colored flowers of light and brilliance, forming a general radiance called an aura, which with its chakras is more real than the body which we see. And once more, we find ourselves to be a group of something.
And the deeper we peer into transcendentalism, the closer we approach an inescapable paradox -- that is, if we are anything at all, we are somehow closely related to everything.
The Unmanifested Mind is not demonstrable. The technique for studying it is. If you would see the true source of illusion, instead of living vicariously on the screen of the theatre, follow the light back through the lens of the projector. When we observe the observer, we sense several things. One is that we have been in a dream state, and must return to a dream state as long as we are in this body. We observe also that the Dream State is very real, in that it is for us the only life for us until we awaken. And it is inescapable that we must deduce that dream-life is a real manifestation of some agency within ourselves that acts as a creator. It is as though we were born with a false face, which all through life we accepted as our true face, because it was all we knew as a face, and because our friends accepted it as true. The face would literally have to fall off by accident for us to know that it was not our true self.
And the deeper we peer into transcendentalism, the closer we approach an inescapable paradox -- that is, if we are anything at all, we are somehow closely related to everything.
The Unmanifested Mind is not demonstrable. The technique for studying it is. If you would see the true source of illusion, instead of living vicariously on the screen of the theatre, follow the light back through the lens of the projector. When we observe the observer, we sense several things. One is that we have been in a dream state, and must return to a dream state as long as we are in this body. We observe also that the Dream State is very real, in that it is for us the only life for us until we awaken. And it is inescapable that we must deduce that dream-life is a real manifestation of some agency within ourselves that acts as a creator. It is as though we were born with a false face, which all through life we accepted as our true face, because it was all we knew as a face, and because our friends accepted it as true. The face would literally have to fall off by accident for us to know that it was not our true self.
Friday, October 29, 2004
A Gateway Within
In the spiritual search, the quest for true self-definition, we soon come to the realization that our best efforts, and even our very selves, are mechanical and reactive. No matter how subtle or astute our meditation may be, we will never realize nirvana by using yet another facet of samsara. A different level of seeing is needed, a pure awareness that is not itself a product of the world or mind, but primary to the reaction pattern we call ourselves. A looking which is attentive, yet not reactive. A listening which is not affected by circumstance and the constant changes of the mind. Such an attention would lie outside of time and space, beyond circumstance, yet be aware of them as well as itself. Such a Listening Attention would also be directly connected to the formless inner realm of our True Self, and provide a Gateway to Within.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Road to the Divine
Door to Ways and Means on the Spiritual Path
The Search for Spiritual Truth can be an elusive and exhausting battle. The need for self-definition and self-knowledge is rare and seldom valued in today's society. In other words, we need all the help we can get. Through this site I hope to offer a few simple and effective tools for turning one's life into a living prayer : ways and means on the practical road to the Divine.
The Search for Spiritual Truth can be an elusive and exhausting battle. The need for self-definition and self-knowledge is rare and seldom valued in today's society. In other words, we need all the help we can get. Through this site I hope to offer a few simple and effective tools for turning one's life into a living prayer : ways and means on the practical road to the Divine.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period of this time around.
You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.
There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error: Experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works."
A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson.
Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
"There" is no better than "here." When your "there" has become "here," you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."
Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
Your answers lie inside you. The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
You will forget all this. Cheri Carter -Scott
You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.
There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error: Experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works."
A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson.
Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
"There" is no better than "here." When your "there" has become "here," you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."
Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
Your answers lie inside you. The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
You will forget all this. Cheri Carter -Scott
Monday, October 25, 2004
Knowing Source
I was told:
Recognise your source as being from Divine origin. When you do this with self, you will realise that all others have their deepest feelings nestled in Divine source. When compassion for all, and understanding of all, is achieved upon this plane, unconditional love will be for all creatures, and peace shall truly reign upon your planet.
When love is without duty, but purely from the heart, it is well towards becoming unconditional. Serving through love is Divine. Let your deepest feelings be your guide. Feel with your whole being. Do not block feelings. Let them exist and be. Acknowledge them. All feelings are part of the whole. All have their roots in Divine source. Allow the feelings which are deepest to emerge into the light and they will be transformed by the love of God.
Every creature seeks for love. That is the essence of all life. When total unconditional love is achieved, all things upon your planet will be healed. Give with your whole heart. There is naught you cannot achieve when you give with love. Love is a force stronger than any others. Compassion and love go hand in hand. Let understanding be your guide. Allow the light to enter all phases of your being and let it shine for all . .
Recognise your source as being from Divine origin. When you do this with self, you will realise that all others have their deepest feelings nestled in Divine source. When compassion for all, and understanding of all, is achieved upon this plane, unconditional love will be for all creatures, and peace shall truly reign upon your planet.
When love is without duty, but purely from the heart, it is well towards becoming unconditional. Serving through love is Divine. Let your deepest feelings be your guide. Feel with your whole being. Do not block feelings. Let them exist and be. Acknowledge them. All feelings are part of the whole. All have their roots in Divine source. Allow the feelings which are deepest to emerge into the light and they will be transformed by the love of God.
Every creature seeks for love. That is the essence of all life. When total unconditional love is achieved, all things upon your planet will be healed. Give with your whole heart. There is naught you cannot achieve when you give with love. Love is a force stronger than any others. Compassion and love go hand in hand. Let understanding be your guide. Allow the light to enter all phases of your being and let it shine for all . .
Sunday, October 24, 2004
True Love
True Love is when we let all things pass through us without judgement, in total acceptance and allowance. It is through this that we learn to love ourselves unconditionally, and thus we learn to love all that is around us, all people and things that are within our light as we radiate it outwards to the world.
We often criticize and fault others because we feel unworthy ourselves and we try to fault others to make them feel unworthy too. So many of us are brought up with criticism, which makes us feel worth-less. We are children of God and as such are worthy of Love. We have to realise our worthiness and we will come to realise our full potential and why we chose to incarnate when we did, and also why we chose our own particular circumstances. We will then begin to learn the lessons in life we came to learn.
We often criticize and fault others because we feel unworthy ourselves and we try to fault others to make them feel unworthy too. So many of us are brought up with criticism, which makes us feel worth-less. We are children of God and as such are worthy of Love. We have to realise our worthiness and we will come to realise our full potential and why we chose to incarnate when we did, and also why we chose our own particular circumstances. We will then begin to learn the lessons in life we came to learn.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Seeking God
Intelligence has created life for a purpose. I believe we are born into this world to learn to evolve spiritually into our true nature. Every experience we have, we are learning in some way. We are all part of the Intelligence which is called God. There are many names which are used to describe this intelligence - God, Source, Universal energy, the Universe, the All-That-Is and many others. Whatever you call this Oneness with Source, it matters not. We are all part of It. We are as much a part of this Source as any other human being or, in fact, any part of nature or the planet, or the universes themselves. Everything that exists is God. There is nothing that is not God. You may find this hard to accept if you were brought up with a religious background, seeing God as a separate being sitting on a throne in heaven, but the great masters throughout time have told us that all life is experience of God Source.
Spiritual Selves
Before we come into this physical dimension we were spirit. Our souls have always existed as part of the Creative force. They were from the beginning of the world, and will be still when the world has passed away. We are far more than our physical bodies!. We are told we have lived many, many lives, and each time we die in the physical sense, we are given an opportunity to view our past mistakes. We see what we failed to do, or how we may have hurt someone, or infringed on their free-will through trying to control them or bend them to our ways. Sometimes the omittance of doing something is the greater error. To make amends for these past 'mistakes' we are given an opportunity to be born into circumstances which allow us the chance to alleviate our 'wrongs' and so give our soul another chance to grow into its true oneness with itself. The circumstances we are born into, reflect the amount of learning we have completed in life.
Friday, October 22, 2004
Where are You going?
Do you think you will automatically go to a spiritual place after death? Will you have the drive and capacity to determine your fate and direction when the body/mind dissolves? Do you know yourself that well? What will you have for guidance? Or will the unconscious desires and fears of today, which you may not be aware of or admit to, control your fate?
After our death, we may not find ourselves in Happy Heaven, as we might wish, but instead in a place formed by our true motivations, whether we were conscious of them or not. Instead of getting an eternity at The Warm-Fuzzies Fun Park, the more accurate scenario may be akin to when we fall asleep at night, letting go of our so-called conscious control and helplessly entering the world of dreams. This could be likened to the Tibetan concept of the bardo, with the experience of lucid dreaming (knowing we are dreaming while in a dream) thrown in to boot. In other words, if you can't wake up to Reality now, what makes you think you ever will? This dream world or bardo you may find yourself in would become the current dream or 'reality' in which you again act out your previously formed nature. Whether any of this is fact or fiction isn't the point. What is being asked is, do you know and trust yourself well enough to face death and what it might bring?
Accept the pain of the ego in its fear of death, and look at its root. Look at the fear, the need to run away into distraction and thought. Stay focused, quiet and brave, and allow yourself to be in the moment. After a time, you will come to know this direction, the way within, and will come to look at your troubles as opportunities for further meditation. The sense of being the doer or subject will fade, the attention will be freed, and thought will be seen for the reaction it is. Motion and mind will no longer be your 'self', and listening with attention will be valued more than plotting. This is true meditation, and the road Home.
After our death, we may not find ourselves in Happy Heaven, as we might wish, but instead in a place formed by our true motivations, whether we were conscious of them or not. Instead of getting an eternity at The Warm-Fuzzies Fun Park, the more accurate scenario may be akin to when we fall asleep at night, letting go of our so-called conscious control and helplessly entering the world of dreams. This could be likened to the Tibetan concept of the bardo, with the experience of lucid dreaming (knowing we are dreaming while in a dream) thrown in to boot. In other words, if you can't wake up to Reality now, what makes you think you ever will? This dream world or bardo you may find yourself in would become the current dream or 'reality' in which you again act out your previously formed nature. Whether any of this is fact or fiction isn't the point. What is being asked is, do you know and trust yourself well enough to face death and what it might bring?
Accept the pain of the ego in its fear of death, and look at its root. Look at the fear, the need to run away into distraction and thought. Stay focused, quiet and brave, and allow yourself to be in the moment. After a time, you will come to know this direction, the way within, and will come to look at your troubles as opportunities for further meditation. The sense of being the doer or subject will fade, the attention will be freed, and thought will be seen for the reaction it is. Motion and mind will no longer be your 'self', and listening with attention will be valued more than plotting. This is true meditation, and the road Home.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
The Blanket
I joined classmates about 5 years ago when there were only 20 people from my class at bonita,and no one from gladstone yet!I just upgraded it to the paying membership,and have gotten in touch with quite a few long lost friends from glendora,as well as la verne.People like the girl whos mom was my babysitter two doors north of us on prospero drive,denise ..she told me her mom had passed away in 1995,but still talked about how tall and handsom I had grown up.I hadent seen denise since I moved away in 1971,but the years melted away.We got to talking,and then she sent me a suprise package she thought I would like..It was a handmade afghan quilt her mom had made,one of two unsed in a box that she had after her sisters death..I wrapped myself in it and felt the love of this women still in it,and around me..and see,her mom had gotten sick of denise and I fighting over my blue blanket,she cut it in half,and gave each of us 1 half..I was mortified,and my mom was pissed..But I guess we got over it,cause were both still here,and I never realized what a good thing that women did for me till then,stopping a boy from carrying around a comfort blanket,just like linus did in the peanuts charicters.Denise hadent even rememberd the incident,just thought I was the one person on the planet that could appreciate the quilt besides herself..She never knew how right she was! I loved her mom Vivian,and feel this was a gift from her across the eons of time!Thanks to both of them for making me a better person.. and for this gift of love from both of them.
true nobility is not about being better than anyone else -- it's about being better than you used to be.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
tibetian book of the dead
The Bardo,translated as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, for centuries it was passed down orally. This ancient text was first put into written form by the legendary Padma Sambhava in the 8th century A.D. Translated, Bardo Thodol means "liberation by hearing on the after death plane". The book acts as a guide for the dead during the state that intervenes death and the next rebirth.
This scripture (The Bardo Thotrol) from Tibetan Buddhism was traditionally read aloud to the dying to help them attain liberation. It guides a person to use the moment of death to recognize the nature of mind and attain liberation.
It teaches that awareness once freed from the body, creates its own reality like that of a dream. This dream projection unfolds in predictable ways in ways both frightening and beautiful. Peaceful and wrathful visions appear, and these visions can be overwhelming. Since the awareness is still in shock of no longer being attached to and shielded by a body, it needs guidance and forewarning so that key decisions that lead to enlightenment are made. The Tibetan Book of the Dead teaches how one can attain heavenly realms by recognizing the enlightened realms as opposed to being drawn into the realms of seduction that pull incorporeal awareness into cyclic suffering.
An interesting sidenote: Some of the concepts in the Tibetan Book of the Dead can be found in The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.
This scripture (The Bardo Thotrol) from Tibetan Buddhism was traditionally read aloud to the dying to help them attain liberation. It guides a person to use the moment of death to recognize the nature of mind and attain liberation.
It teaches that awareness once freed from the body, creates its own reality like that of a dream. This dream projection unfolds in predictable ways in ways both frightening and beautiful. Peaceful and wrathful visions appear, and these visions can be overwhelming. Since the awareness is still in shock of no longer being attached to and shielded by a body, it needs guidance and forewarning so that key decisions that lead to enlightenment are made. The Tibetan Book of the Dead teaches how one can attain heavenly realms by recognizing the enlightened realms as opposed to being drawn into the realms of seduction that pull incorporeal awareness into cyclic suffering.
An interesting sidenote: Some of the concepts in the Tibetan Book of the Dead can be found in The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.
a guide to visiters
Once a month, A Guide To Visitors presents a curated selection of real life stories. You know those stories you hear at bars or dinner parties, from friends or strangers? The ones that haunt you for days? We spend all month finding these stories and then present them to you. On stage, not by actors, but by the people themselves. Each month, you get a half dozen stories served up fresh n' piping hot!
Monday, October 18, 2004
flying free
Flying Free
Can you feel the sun
Feel it beat down on your face
If you got some time
We can leave this world without a trace
At our own pace
Feeling like a newborn child
Just cut the chains of routine
Look my way and I’ll show you how to fly
If you hunger for new freedom
Wanna breed a new season
Leave away your self-tragedy
We’re gonna be flying
Gonna be flying free
Can you feel your soul climb
Climbing through the misty moonlight
Reaching a new high
Viewing the world from a whole new sight
Such a delicate fright
Swinging from the edge of irony
Break off from the blind herd
Tough a nerve and you’ll never have to die
So you hunger for new freedom
Wanna live for a new reason
Forget the burned self-imagery
We’re gonna be flying
Gonna be flying free
Can you feel the need
The need for a sense of knowing
Is it fantasy
Or will the hope just come flowing
Ever so glowing
Soaring through the sounds of yearning
No longer bound by common rule
We are free and we know how to fly
So you hunger for new freedom
Had to end your mind’s treason
Look around you can you see
For we are now flying
We are now flying free
©1994 Astral Plane
Can you feel the sun
Feel it beat down on your face
If you got some time
We can leave this world without a trace
At our own pace
Feeling like a newborn child
Just cut the chains of routine
Look my way and I’ll show you how to fly
If you hunger for new freedom
Wanna breed a new season
Leave away your self-tragedy
We’re gonna be flying
Gonna be flying free
Can you feel your soul climb
Climbing through the misty moonlight
Reaching a new high
Viewing the world from a whole new sight
Such a delicate fright
Swinging from the edge of irony
Break off from the blind herd
Tough a nerve and you’ll never have to die
So you hunger for new freedom
Wanna live for a new reason
Forget the burned self-imagery
We’re gonna be flying
Gonna be flying free
Can you feel the need
The need for a sense of knowing
Is it fantasy
Or will the hope just come flowing
Ever so glowing
Soaring through the sounds of yearning
No longer bound by common rule
We are free and we know how to fly
So you hunger for new freedom
Had to end your mind’s treason
Look around you can you see
For we are now flying
We are now flying free
©1994 Astral Plane
Sunday, October 17, 2004
The illusion of self
The world is but a show, glittering and empty. It is, and yet it is not. It is there as long as I want to see it and take part in it. When I cease caring, it dissolves. It has no cause and serves no purpose. It just happens when we are absent-minded. It appears exactly as it looks, but there is no depth in it, nor meaning. Only the onlooker is real, call him Self or Atma. To the Self, the world is but a colourful show, which he enjoys as long as it lasts and forgets when it is over. Whatever happens on the stage makes him shudder in terror or roll with laughter, yet all the time he is aware that it is but a show. Without desire or fear, he enjoys it, as it happens.
There comes an end time when our creators will supposedly return - Jesus - aliens - among others depending which program of thought you follow. At this time there will be a judgement - balance needed after which the souls move on - into another reality of light and higher frequency of thought and understanding - where the emotional nonsense that drives people crazy in the third dimension - ceases to exist and all is understood. We sense that time approaching.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
True Wisdom
Wisdom tells me I'm Nothing.Love tells me I'm Everything.Between the two my life flows. Nisargadatta
Friday, October 15, 2004
Phantom Limb Pain is another name for rsds,which is what I am fighting!
A Phantom Arm & A Bizarre Experience My right leg seems trapped in time and space, at a day and place long ago. Along the leg runs a large scar that always tingles in the background of my consciousness, and which tightens into fear whenever I focus attention there. Yes, it is unmistakable fear, in memory of the event itself, and it is localized at the scar. How can fear be in a scar? I don't know. I can only tell you that's where it is. If anything touches the scar, my leg wants to pull away from the touch. This occurs and over-rules my reason. It simply happens. It is all a phantom of the mind.Such phantoms are not unique to me. People have experienced them for thousands of years, but they received a name only in the Nineteenth Century. The Civil War was a gruesome conflict. My ancestor, Captain David Stewart, 28th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, spent part of the war as a field surgeon. He reached a point when he could no longer look at another gangrened leg, or another soldier quite literally biting the bullet to keep from screaming in pain as a limb was sawn through. Preferring being shot to cutting off another leg, Captain Stewart asked for a transfer to combat. I understand why. I have seen the saw he used for amputation. Its teeth could as easily cut through a tree limb. After the Civil War, tens of thousands of soldiers had amputated limbs and told doctors of strange experiences. Silas Weir Mitchell, a Philadelphia physician, coined the phrase "phantom limb" shortly after the conflict, and did so to explain the phantoms that the veterans described. Fearing ridicule from colleagues, he published anonymously in a popular magazine, Lippincott's Journal, wherein he described the phenomenon. In the century and a half since, phantom limb syndrome has become part of medical and psychological literature.Older medical journals contain hundreds of fascinating case studies. Some of the described phenomena have been confirmed repeatedly and still need an explanation. In one case, a patient experienced a vivid phantom arm soon after amputation, which is normal, and in a few weeks he developed a peculiar, gnawing sensation in his phantom, which is not normal. He was quite puzzled by the these new sensations and asked his Army doctor about them, but the physician couldn't help. The veteran finally asked, "Whatever happened to my arm after you removed it?" The doctor told him to ask the surgeon.The veteran did just that. The surgeon replied, "Oh, we usually send the limbs to the morgue." The man asked the morgue and asked, "What do you do with amputated arms?" They replied, "We send them either to the incinerator or to pathology. Usually we incinerate them." "Well, what did you do with my arm?" They looked at their records and said, "You know, it's funny. We didn't incinerate it. We sent it to pathology."The man asked the pathology lab. "Where is my arm?" They said, "Well, we had too many arms, so we just buried it in the garden, out behind the hospital."They took him to the garden and showed him where the arm was buried. When he exhumed it, he found it crawling with maggots and exclaimed, "Maybe that's why I'm feeling these bizarre sensations in my arm." He took the limb and incinerated it. His phantom pain disappeared permanently.
There are two points here. One is that the mind, the psyche, this body of feeling and thought and so on, which is peripheral to Who I am, doesn't necessarily vanish at death. The evidence is overwhelming that it may hang around in time.... In any case, it's rather brief, and I would say, at the end of Douglas's shelf life, enough is enough. Let me off being that one.
On the other hand, Who I really am has no future and no past. One is eternal now. One is not in time at all. This is the Timeless. This is what one is.
However, it is the nature of Timelessness to manifest in time, and I suppose the idea of reincarnation has a certain amount of truth in it -- that the One Who I really am is forever incarnating and will continue to do so. But that's all I can say. I'll report further when more evidence comes in!
I think of death very frequently. One has to die daily. The skillful thing is that you put in a lot of homework before you actually find yourself on your deathbed. You'll need it then.
Douglas Harding
On the other hand, Who I really am has no future and no past. One is eternal now. One is not in time at all. This is the Timeless. This is what one is.
However, it is the nature of Timelessness to manifest in time, and I suppose the idea of reincarnation has a certain amount of truth in it -- that the One Who I really am is forever incarnating and will continue to do so. But that's all I can say. I'll report further when more evidence comes in!
I think of death very frequently. One has to die daily. The skillful thing is that you put in a lot of homework before you actually find yourself on your deathbed. You'll need it then.
Douglas Harding
Thursday, October 14, 2004
A Gateway To Within
The Listening Attention
In the spiritual search, the quest for true self-definition, we soon come to the realization that our best efforts, and even our very selves, are mechanical and reactive. No matter how subtle or astute our meditation may be, we will never realize nirvana by using yet another facet of samsara. A different level of seeing is needed, a pure awareness that is not itself a product of the world or mind, but primary to the reaction pattern we call ourselves. A looking which is attentive, yet not reactive. A listening which is not affected by circumstance and the constant changes of the mind. Such an attention would lie outside of time and space, beyond circumstance, yet be aware of them as well as itself. Such a Listening Attention would also be directly connected to the formless inner realm of our True Self, and provide a Gateway to Within.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Throwing hot coal
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else.
You are the first to get burnt.And you might miss the person it was intended for.
If you hit him,he might hurl another piece at you,and it goes on endlessly.
What stupidity!
You are the first to get burnt.And you might miss the person it was intended for.
If you hit him,he might hurl another piece at you,and it goes on endlessly.
What stupidity!
Monday, October 11, 2004
A story of self
'A Story of Self ' - is an animation with a difference. Its purpose is to remind you of a loving connection, a connection that now wishes to embrace you.
"Art is a means of connectng two worlds, the visible and the invisible, the physical and the spiritual. The area of our consciousness where culture has its roots lies in the uncontrolled mind of every individual: in the moment when it is given space to make a creative leap. Artists, scientists and spiritual masters alike have great respect for that particular faculty of our human potential. It is in the realisation of each individual’s intuitive creativity that everybody would agree with the statement, everyone is an artist." - Louwrien Wijers
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Seeds of Love
The more enlightened we are about our future and what to expect, the more we will be able to be in harmony as these things happen. We are children of the one Creator and as such we have opportunities to witness one of the greatest changes this planet has seen. Remember we are eternal. Nothing can harm us. If we do leave our physical bodies we only make the transition, we do not die. Love is eternal. Only love can be taken with us. We can never lose that which we never had in the first place. We are literally "embodiments of love". If we become enlightened through understanding and compassion, before we make this transition, we have served our life's purpose. We will have begun to see the changes which will herald our new world!
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Sirian Connections
Accelerating human awareness as we prepare for ascension of our sun, our earth and ourselves, lightbearers from the ascended Sirian star, Satais, are committed to helping us achieve the awakening of our light bodies, activation of our dormant DNA strands and a greater understanding of what we can expect as we approach the ascension vortex of our passage into the fourth dimension. They provide the Awakening with a greater understanding of the forces behind the global conspiracy to keep us from realizing our starseed legacy: to assist in the re-birthing of Planet Earth, bring the light of truth to those who are still huddled in the darkness and assist those who intend to serve as healers and guides of the ascension, during the great transformation of all life in our quadrant of the three-dimensional galaxy.
Are you torn in the struggle of darkness and light, anxious about what is transpiring in the global theater – or are you one of the Awakening, clear in your resolve and intent … and committed to personal and planetary healing? Now is the time, starseed, to remember who you are. Now is the time to remember.
Accelerating human awareness as we prepare for ascension of our sun, our earth and ourselves, lightbearers from the ascended Sirian star, Satais, are committed to helping us achieve the awakening of our light bodies, activation of our dormant DNA strands and a greater understanding of what we can expect as we approach the ascension vortex of our passage into the fourth dimension. They provide the Awakening with a greater understanding of the forces behind the global conspiracy to keep us from realizing our starseed legacy: to assist in the re-birthing of Planet Earth, bring the light of truth to those who are still huddled in the darkness and assist those who intend to serve as healers and guides of the ascension, during the great transformation of all life in our quadrant of the three-dimensional galaxy.
Are you torn in the struggle of darkness and light, anxious about what is transpiring in the global theater – or are you one of the Awakening, clear in your resolve and intent … and committed to personal and planetary healing? Now is the time, starseed, to remember who you are. Now is the time to remember.
Friday, October 08, 2004
learning how not to push buttons
A Bodhisattva does not take "himself" seriously - because he realised he has no self. You can push his buttons all the way- and he stays cool. He takes it in good nature - because he realised his empty nature. In fact, he has no real buttons at all, and he helps others understand they have none too. An unenlightened being takes himself too seriously - as if he has a real self to protect from the rest of the world. You need only gently nudge a button or two - and he loses his cool. He takes it personally - because he had yet to realise non-self.
We are somewhere in between. We are beings trying to realise the ultimate reality, of our ultimate unreality - of us and our buttons. This is cultivating Wisdom. We are trying to be button-free, practising to react less and less easily, by the button-pushing "other" beings. This is cultivating Patience (Forbearance).
And in practising, we push less buttons of others, especially as part of our practice of refraining from reacting from button-pushers pushing our buttons. This is cultivating Morality (Precepts). When we know what buttons pushed bring happiness to other beings, even if it is only a relative happiness (not absolute), we practise pushing them, to bring them happiness, to urge them towards True Happiness. This is cultivating Generosity.
And even if others do not respond to our kindness kindly, time and again, we carry on our practice relentlessly, no matter how hard others' right buttons are to push. This is cultivating Energy (Effort). But at the end of the day, there has to be some inner practice, looking within to realise the selflessness, buttonlessness of all. This is practising Meditation.
We are somewhere in between. We are beings trying to realise the ultimate reality, of our ultimate unreality - of us and our buttons. This is cultivating Wisdom. We are trying to be button-free, practising to react less and less easily, by the button-pushing "other" beings. This is cultivating Patience (Forbearance).
And in practising, we push less buttons of others, especially as part of our practice of refraining from reacting from button-pushers pushing our buttons. This is cultivating Morality (Precepts). When we know what buttons pushed bring happiness to other beings, even if it is only a relative happiness (not absolute), we practise pushing them, to bring them happiness, to urge them towards True Happiness. This is cultivating Generosity.
And even if others do not respond to our kindness kindly, time and again, we carry on our practice relentlessly, no matter how hard others' right buttons are to push. This is cultivating Energy (Effort). But at the end of the day, there has to be some inner practice, looking within to realise the selflessness, buttonlessness of all. This is practising Meditation.
Internet Love
Internet Love
You can't smell them
You can't touch them
You cannot feel their emotions
Your mind tells you its real
But it's only an illusion
You've created in your mind
To replace the emptiness
You've always felt
Since you left the one
Scott Taylor
Copyright ©2004 Scott Taylor
You can't smell them
You can't touch them
You cannot feel their emotions
Your mind tells you its real
But it's only an illusion
You've created in your mind
To replace the emptiness
You've always felt
Since you left the one
Scott Taylor
Copyright ©2004 Scott Taylor
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Dreaming out loud
Dreaming Out Loud
Give up the life where you felt you were dead
Unflourished egos being drawn from my head
This smoky room has laid dormant too long
A reassurance that I just can't go wrong
A heartbeat tremors from the touch of your hand
The sudden movement that I did not have planned
Fearless is my stare while I'm caught in your eye
A rushing chill from the sound of your sigh
Turn out the silence that holds everything back
No inhibitions while you slowly attack
Just trip and glide while we make the lights dance
We found the moment here to take a new chance
Carnal desires keep us spinning around
Thrown off your guard where we fell to the ground
A whispered plea puts my head in a cloud
You make me feel like I'm dreaming out loud
Gave up the life where I felt I was dead
Finding redemption at the foot of my bed
Embrace the fire
In the passion and pain
We reach a level where there's so much to gain
No rhyme or reason how you've stolen my heartThe world's ending couldn't tear us apart
Lovelorn senses pulled you out of the crowd
You make me feel like I'm dreaming out loud
Give up the life where you felt you were dead
Unflourished egos being drawn from my head
This smoky room has laid dormant too long
A reassurance that I just can't go wrong
A heartbeat tremors from the touch of your hand
The sudden movement that I did not have planned
Fearless is my stare while I'm caught in your eye
A rushing chill from the sound of your sigh
Turn out the silence that holds everything back
No inhibitions while you slowly attack
Just trip and glide while we make the lights dance
We found the moment here to take a new chance
Carnal desires keep us spinning around
Thrown off your guard where we fell to the ground
A whispered plea puts my head in a cloud
You make me feel like I'm dreaming out loud
Gave up the life where I felt I was dead
Finding redemption at the foot of my bed
Embrace the fire
In the passion and pain
We reach a level where there's so much to gain
No rhyme or reason how you've stolen my heartThe world's ending couldn't tear us apart
Lovelorn senses pulled you out of the crowd
You make me feel like I'm dreaming out loud
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
The Astral Plane
The Wretched Victim
I hide in darkness exiled
Haunted by your memories
Holding onto promises
Lost in my time of pain
I’ve made my bed of nails
And sleep alone every night
As the spirits laugh to me inside
Yet you’re still dissatisfied
I live with blindness piercing
Echoes of your distant voice
The weight of waiting for tomorrow
Waiting untill this goes away
I chose my bleak substance
And frighten the ones close to me
As the visions leave me petrified
Yet you’re still dissatisfied
No one hears the cries of sorrow
No one hears the tragedy
Left to die the curtain falls
My existence in you rots away
I curse the hour that brought you to me
An image of what I can’t have
The wretched victim I’ve become
I hope you’re now glad
Withered from eternal mourning
Bleeding in the faceless night
Living the lies and cruelty
Your absence burns inside me
I’ll learn to live without the comfort
Won’t beg for one last encore
The wretched victim I’ve become
But I don’t need you anymore
I don’t need you anymore
I hide in darkness exiled
Haunted by your memories
Holding onto promises
Lost in my time of pain
I’ve made my bed of nails
And sleep alone every night
As the spirits laugh to me inside
Yet you’re still dissatisfied
I live with blindness piercing
Echoes of your distant voice
The weight of waiting for tomorrow
Waiting untill this goes away
I chose my bleak substance
And frighten the ones close to me
As the visions leave me petrified
Yet you’re still dissatisfied
No one hears the cries of sorrow
No one hears the tragedy
Left to die the curtain falls
My existence in you rots away
I curse the hour that brought you to me
An image of what I can’t have
The wretched victim I’ve become
I hope you’re now glad
Withered from eternal mourning
Bleeding in the faceless night
Living the lies and cruelty
Your absence burns inside me
I’ll learn to live without the comfort
Won’t beg for one last encore
The wretched victim I’ve become
But I don’t need you anymore
I don’t need you anymore
Monday, October 04, 2004
sacred geometry and crop circles
Dont try these at home kids
Our experience and our reaction to all things beautiful is made possible by our unique ability to subconsciously recognize geometric order from transitory chaos. At this level, the perfection inherent in a Greek temple or a painting by Da Vinci is not simply because it is made of a particular material or hue but because the harmonic proportions contained in their design are bound by the laws of sacred geometry, which is itself the embodiment of harmonic waves of energy, melody and universal proportion. What our senses respond to is the geometrical and proportional harmonies and wave forms created through the application of sacred geometry.
Our experience and our reaction to all things beautiful is made possible by our unique ability to subconsciously recognize geometric order from transitory chaos. At this level, the perfection inherent in a Greek temple or a painting by Da Vinci is not simply because it is made of a particular material or hue but because the harmonic proportions contained in their design are bound by the laws of sacred geometry, which is itself the embodiment of harmonic waves of energy, melody and universal proportion. What our senses respond to is the geometrical and proportional harmonies and wave forms created through the application of sacred geometry.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Volcano cam
guess what day the big eruption will be?You might be right
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Friday, October 01, 2004
Downtown Seattle webcams
Check out todays weather from Seattle live you can see a plume of smoke and ash off to the right of Mt Reineer and is actually Mt Saint Helens eruption from earlier today! you can see a plume of smoke and ash off to the right of Mt Reineer and is actually Mt Saint Helens eruption from earlier today!
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