I doubt Hillary or obama will give this speech..But maybe Mc Cain will.
Sorry..was getting too gushie in here.Orlee even took hootie off the list
again..your so nice..Giggles..and points at ruth..she did it..
'My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been
Since congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in
Iraq is complete.
This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from
Iraq This action will be complete within 30 days. It is now time to begin the
Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries which have
stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. This list is short . The United
Kingdom , Spain , Bulgaria , Australia , and Poland are some of the countries
listed there.
The other list contains every one not on the first l ist. Most of the world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing
copies of both lists later this evening.
Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations
on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely. The money saved during the first
year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war. THEN EVERY YEAR
The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world Hell
holes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption.
Need help with a famine ? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France .
In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward
solving the vexing social problems we still have at home . On that note, a word
to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and
eliminate you and all your friends from the face of the earth.
Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France or maybe China .
I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France ,
Germany , and Russia . Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from
NATO as well. Bonne chance, mezamies.
I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN
diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking
tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I
don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of
thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious
Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the
world. I love New York
A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to be
seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off
for a change.
Mexico is also on List 2 its president and his entire corrupt government really
need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple extra thousand tanks and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put 'em? Yep,
border security.
Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty - starting now.
We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil in
Alaska- which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades to come. If
you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2
above: pick a country and move there.
It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens. Some
will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, 'darn tootin.'
Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world has
only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet. It is
time to eliminate hunger in America It is time to eliminate homelessness in
America . To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thank you guys. We owe you
and we won't forget.
To the nations on List 2, a final thought: You might want to learn to speak Arabic.
God bless America .. Thank you and good night.'
If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English, thank a
Have A Great Day
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Message to Hong Kong
muddy: After careful consideration,I wonder how your girlfriend would feel if Russia was destroying churches and trying to imprison the pope and invade Italy?This happened over a century ago.
muddy: Maybe it was germany
muddy: or how would she feel if America was bombing mosques in Iraq and trying to imprison ismoms..wait..nevermind
muddy: ok..how would she feel about Turkey attacking the Kurds in Northern Iraq?
muddy: can we see a pattern developing here?
muddy: she its attacking sunnis in Iraq
muddy: sheits
muddy: one religian attacking anothers beliefs and wanting to dominate and imprison
muddy: Maybe it was germany
muddy: or how would she feel if America was bombing mosques in Iraq and trying to imprison ismoms..wait..nevermind
muddy: ok..how would she feel about Turkey attacking the Kurds in Northern Iraq?
muddy: can we see a pattern developing here?
muddy: she its attacking sunnis in Iraq
muddy: sheits
muddy: one religian attacking anothers beliefs and wanting to dominate and imprison
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Obama and rezko
“By The Beachwood Rezko Affairs Desk
The front page story in The New York Times this week probing the relationship between Barack Obama and Tony Rezko revealed a few new disturbing facts, though the article was short on explanation and analysis - and there is yet more to the story of Illinois’ favorite son and his dark patron.
Let’s take a look.
* * *
“Mr. Obama has portrayed Mr. Rezko as a one-time fund-raiser whom he had occasionally seen socially. But interviews with more than a dozen political and business associates suggest that the two men were closer than the senator has indicated,” the Times reports.
“Mr. Obama turned to Rezko for help at several important junctures. Records show that when Mr. Obama needed cash in the waning days of his losing 2000 Congressional campaign, Mr. Rezko rounded up thousands of dollars from business contacts. In 2003, Mr. Rezko helped Mr. Obama expand his fund-raising for the Senate primary by being host of a dinner in his Mediterranean-style home for 150 people, including some whose names have come up in the influence scandal.
“And when Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, bought a [$1.65 million] house in 2005, Mr. Rezko helped smooth the transaction. Even though his finances were deteriorating, Mr. Rezko arranged for his wife to buy an adjacent lot, and she later sold the Obamas a 10-foot-wide strip of land that expanded their yard.
“The land sale occurred after it had been reported that Mr. Rezko was under federal investigation. That awkward fact prompoted Mr. Obama, who has cast himself as largely free from the normal influences of politics, to express regret over what he called his own bad judgment.”
Why did Obama need Rezko’s help?
‘People familiar with the transaction said that the sellers did not want to close until that June 15, and that the sale would go through only if someone bought the adjacent lot from them on the same date,” the Times reports.
Obama needed a favor from Rezko. He needed someone to buy that adjacent lot on the same day so he and Michelle could get that house. Someone he knew, who would let the Obamas expand their property and keep the rest of the lot, which the Obamas tended, vacant. Far from Rezko slyly buying a home next to a rising star, it was Obama who called Rezko and brought him into the deal.
“Rita Rezko paid $625,000 to outbid others for the lot and later sold the Obama’s one-sixth of that land land, for $104,500,” the Times reports.
“After the Chicago Tribune reported the transactions last November, Mr. Obama said he had acted ethically, though it had been a mistake to let Mr. Rezko do anything that could be seen as a favor.
“The disclosure came four days before Michelle Obama was to appear as a special guest at a charity fashion show organized by Mrs. Rezko. Mrs. Obama attended, though others there said it seemed a bit awkward.”
* * *
“When Mr. Obama first fielded questions about Mr. Rezko last fall, he said they had had lunch once or twice a year and had socialized with their wives ‘two to four times.’”
Not so.
“In addition to enlisting his huge circle of donors, Mr. Rezko and Mr. Obama talked frequently about campaign developments during the Senate race, Mr. Rezko’s associates said.”
* * *
“In one instance, when he was running for the Senate, Mr. Obama stopped by to shake hands while Mr. Rezko, an immigrant from Syria, was entertaining Middle Eastern bankers considering an investment in one of his projects.”
* * *
“While Mr. Obama was running for the Senate, Mr. Rezko was also raising money for a huge development in the South Loop of Chicago, often playing host to dinners in a private room at the Four Seasons Hotel here.
“Former Rezko associates said that Governor Blagojevich attended one of the dinners, and that at Mr. Rezko’s request, Mr. Obama dropped in at one for Middle Eastern bankers in early 2004, just as he was starting to pull ahead in the Senate primary. The visits, Mr. Rezko’s partners said, helped impress foreign guests.
“‘I remember that he had been on the campaign trail, and he was completely wiped out and exhausted,’ said Anthony Licata, a lawyer who represented Mr. Rezko on real estate deals. ‘My recollection is that he drank ice tea, and he talked about how he was really making progress, and we were all excited to see him.’
* * *
Obama refused to talk to the Times for the story. His campaign office issued a content-free written statement. Obama has previously said he never did Rezko a favor. And, of course, he often says that his a different kind of campaign - a movement - for those who think politics is an insider’s game. But at every step of the way, Obama has played that game with utmost expediency. Far from carving out a niche as an independent reformer with clean hands, he has embraced the worst elements of the Machine - Rezko, Daley, Jones, Stroger, Tillman - to advance his own ambition. And I can tell you, Obama fans, that we haven’t heard it all yet. Particularly where Rezko is concerned.”
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