Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Do you eat with that mouth?

I'm not letting you get away with more crap out of your democratic mouth.Let me
make it perficly clear..
1.I work my own jobs,not any on the side..never sold 1 item on ebay.
2.The votes you are whining about in florida were sanctioned by the democratic
party for their own violations
this is out of the new york times :
Democrats in Florida and Michigan are increasingly concerned that their
primaries, held in January, will not factor into the nomination fight between
Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama. The Democratic National
Committee stripped delegates from both states after they violated party rules by
moving up their primary dates.
So you cant blame george or his brother for that here anymore!
4.Republicans have alot fooled when it comes to money????? More bullshit.
democrates love to give money away..as long as its not theirs..
5.dont trust you will see alot of republicans own companies that they will make
it fair for the little
> guy that you should be a republican.. they like your vote they dont share their
> money. Another swipe at republicans as a whole..And I take offence at that
statement.I bet I give more money than you do to charity and people in need
around the globe.And I take better care of people that work for me than the
union does.Just ask em.And to be honest,I cant always afford it..But I do it
anyway.And skip a lunch or two..As a fat american,that I can afford to skip.
6.most of my friends have no pensions.. now most cant rely on the social
> security..Well sir..I guess most of your friends should have planned a little
better,huh?Maybe you could share some of yours and willies retirement package
with them?I mean.since you have enough to gamble,and now some extra in the
bank.This seems only fair..Oh,and if they cant rely on social security
anymore,thank your democratic congress for not passing the bills they were asked
to when gw tried to save social security again and the congress said its fluid
till 2049 or something close to that year.Nice try,but you cant blame republicans for that eather.Tell your friends to get a job at burger king..My
girfriend did.
7.a chicken for every pot..Yeah I know a democrat said that..Thats why I said
some pot for every chicken
omg did I get going off on a right wing tangent..I'm so sorry..Its just that
you remind me of my grandma who hated Ronald Reagon and claimed he cut her
social security check by 30 dollars a month.which was true,but the whole truth
of the matter was social security was bankrupt when ronnie took office..He
helped extend its benifits by cutting a little off each check..yes it was
smaller,but better than no check,which is what the other option was at that
time.And then my grandpa,grandma,and uncle went and got in line for the free
cheese loafs passed out by the govt at that time to poor people,which my
grandparents were not.

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