Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I aint blamin Georgie

From: ARLENE R BUTCHER <prncessorlee2@msn.com>
> first off let me congratulate you on working.. you must be working or selling
> doing a lil sales work on the side.. to pay for all the stuff you have now..
> thats great.. and hey lets get down to what i have to say now.. first off i
> blame george bush for everything wrong .. i only blame him for the things he
> his family are doing.which made out country his own lil workshop for his own
> wealth. aint it sweet the election for him to be in office his brothers state
> screwed up.. and now we cant count the votes in florida for our primary..
> dont think that is not on every democrats mine? some place back in all our
> is .. was that a strategy to not let the winner have the votes.. ( hey you
> brought it up) and if you really want the little guy to have some rights you
> better get on board with the democrats..
> republicans have alot fooled when it comes to money.. dont trust that you
> see alot of republicans own companies that they will make it fair for the
> guy that you should be a republican.. they like your vote they dont share their
> money. and those internet companies who you think were the only winners when
> stock market was high .. guess again.. that portion of the stocks was high and
> in most instances they have continued to be a success story.. you have to
> remember .. everyone at that time wanted the best in internet.. we all wanted
> bigger faster computers.. fast internet speed..and every probram possible ..
> what do you have now.. i would suggest that you got everything you ever wanted
> for internet.. check out googles stock market price... google is suppose to be
> the best company to work for.. they even offer their employees free gormet
> lunches and free massages .. and all kinds of free perks to work there.. and
> most got to be millionairs with stock market perks of free stocks.. dam we all
> could use a job there..
> most of my friends have no pensions.. now most cant rely on the social
> security.. how long must americans work before they can retire.. so if you
> a chicken in every pot.. by the way that was a democrat who said that for the
> chicken in every pot.. i believe it was either roosevelt or truman.. not
> but i know it wasnt a republican.. better check your history..
> anyhow i am getting off the subject.. i guess my thought were going
> lol.. muddy.. i am only a big mouth here.. and so are you lol.. there is alot
> this list who sit back and just watch the sparks fly.. we both know that. we
> debate who did what and why forever in my heart.. i do blame bush.. and come
> hell or high water.. we both know his war tactics and is bad judgements are
> made a mess of alot of things in this country.. he could of taken on things
> have hurt us.. like the jobs going oversea.. and they unemployment here. the
> values of our houseing market..and the loss of money jobs and a new age of
> poor.. the middle class is near gone and have become a new poor class.. in our
> state alone we are ranked 12th for the most bankrupt... so sure there is plenty
> of houses out there to buy.. its a buyers market only thing.. no one has any
> jobs or money to buy things with..
> oh and by the way. the poor sucker who follows bush is in a mess not only has
> he messed up the budget.... from what he said in his last speech to the nation
> he is going to put into effect that the budget should be balanced by 2012..
> a legacy to fix for his ass..
> on a lighter note i am going to buy me a new flat screen t v.. this week.. i
> bet the mega million ticket.. here in ohio.. there is extra game at the bottom
> numbrs.. in a row.. depending on if you hit a certain amount like all 6 pays
> 100 grand.. i hit 4 of the 6 for a thousand dollars.. so this democrat ass is
> going for door 2 and getting a new t v..

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