Thursday, February 28, 2008

I will watch it

I will watch it..what channel is it on?And you should go hear John Mc cain
speak.Hes somewhere in a burger stand near you kissing babies.I'm glad I finally
got an answer out of you..You sheep make it hard to get a straight answer,I mean
you democrats..See,when I hear you say it doesnt matter who gets in as long as
they are democrats,that worries me.Says "follow the heard no matter who lies to
who" to me.Maybe I'm wrong..I hope to hell I am..And about that florida
thing..wasnt that 2000 election stuff?Hell gore is even over it..Now that he has
his nobel peace prize he has quit whinin so much..Now heres the truth about that
election..Bush stole it..yup..he did cheat better than Clinton that time.His
daddy learned those "go after the the big states delegates only' trick the hard
way.And Carl Rove refined it.Here's more "truths" as I see em..Your party is
still upset with the egg on its face from the clinton lieing to congress about
monica lewinski.Spent the last 8 years trying to pass
that along to gw bush with the "bush lied" sticker campain and everything.Maybe it worked,maybe it
didnt..All I know it gave me a target to aim for up here with my I gotta get the "vote for monica lewinskis ex boyfriends
wife" bumper sticker..Hell I might even vote for obama.

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