Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Everyone struggles

muddy everyone struggles.. it doesnt matter how much money you have.. everyone wastes money.. from the very poor to the very rich.. if you gave a poor family .. i saw a show on t v.. a man who was homeless found a case.. was placed for a very poor person to find.. it had 100 grand inside.. a man pushing a shopping cart found it.. he first bought a car for a man who was in charge of where he would sell cans he collected each day.. he then bought himself a truck and flew to where his family was .. only to find when the money ran low so did the family love.. he didnt invest any .. was very generous with all his other homeless friends.he got married.. but lost that too when she found out there was no money.. . buying a bike for one and giveing money for food and alchol for most.. in the end.. he didnt plan the money he owned a new truck with no money for gas.. all his family had turned away again .. and he was homeless once more..
we all make our own destiny.. each one of us.. but there is forces which will not make it easy.. but then again .. struggle is good lf you remember where you came from and where your going .in the end .. we all get old.. we all lose our great looks and end up old .. but hopefully the dance was great..life can be good if you let it.. .. we all have those sad stories about someone near us who had a bad end.. hell i can tell you alot of those.. but to dwell is not a good idea.. i try to only remember the great times.. and guess what.. i took care of my parents and my brothers in their times of being sick and dieing.. and it was the hardest time of my life to lose them all. but i wouldnt of gave up any of the time.. i had to spend to take care of them..

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