Thursday, September 29, 2005

Energy Fields

The universe is an infinite agglomeration of energy fields, resembling threads of light.

These energy fields, called the Eagle's, or the Indescribable Force 's emanations, radiate from a source of inconceivable proportions metaphorically called the Eagle--the Indescribable Force .

Human beings are also composed of an incalculable number of the same threadlike energy fields. These Indescribable Force 's emanations form an encased agglomeration that manifests itself as a ball of light the size of the person's body with the arms extended laterally, like a giant luminous egg.

Only a very small group of the energy fields inside this luminous ball are lit up by a point of intense brilliance located on the ball's surface.

Perception occurs when the energy fields in that small group immediately surrounding the point of brilliance extent their light to illuminate identical energy fields outside the ball. Since the only energy fields perceivable are those lit by the point of brilliance, that point is named "the point where perception is assembled" or simply "the assemblage point."

The assemblage point can be moved from its usual position on the surface of the luminous ball to another position on the surface, or into the interior. Since the brilliance of the assemblage point can light up whatever energy field it comes in contact with, when it moves to a new position it immediately brightens up new energy fields, making them perceivable. This perception is known as seeing .

When the assemblage point shifts, it makes possible the perception of an entirely different world--as objective and factual as the one we normally perceive. Sorcerers go into that other world to get energy, power, solutions to general and particular problems, or to face the unimaginable.

Intent is the pervasive force that causes us to perceive. We do not become aware because we perceive; rather, we perceive as a result of the pressure and intrusion of intent .

The aim of sorcerers is to reach a state of total awareness in order to experience all the possibilities of perception available to man. This state of awareness even implies an alternative way of dying.
Carlos Castaneda

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Blog Anniversary

Has it been a whole year?Hard to imagine,but yes Virginia,there is a blogsanta!I didnt think I would still be blogging after a year of trying to find santuary online.I mean,some people uncovered real vital stuff in the last year of blogging.Ask Dan Rather if he blogs yet?lol..maybe its time he starts..My Dad demanded to know "what the hell is a blog?" When I explained it was simply a web page you add to frequently,he replied " o , ok...He almost has it down the difference between a program and a web site.He actually does very well for a man in his 70's.He said to me recently " I think the web is great for keeping my mind sharp".Atta boy..keep exercizing that muscle till your 99 years old!Dont ever quit..

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

She's back,better than ever!
All rights reserved 2005 made by muddnet with Tierazon1

Friday, September 09, 2005

He will Comfort the Brokenhearted

And as He hath given, "If ye love me, keep my commandments; for they are not grievous to bear. For I will bear them with thee, I will wipe away thy tears; I will comfort the brokenhearted, I will bring all to those in the ways that are in the Wisdom of God for thy expressions through each experience, in each activity of thine."
For thy soul in its Wisdom seeketh expression with Him. Smother it not in the doubts and the fears of materiality but in the spirit of love and truth that encompasseth all, and that is open to ye who have set thy hearts, thy faces, toward the love that is in Jesus, thy Friend, thy Brother.

Edgar Cayce Reading 262-105

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Take councel in Self

Take counsel in self. Give unto self that worthy, acceptable period of service, for in service to others is lending to that Creative Energy that makes or destroys lives. Lives are as worlds, for each is of that material of which the universe is and was created--for in the life of the entity enters many of those conditions that may be made into miracles or crimes.

Edgar Cayce Reading 2497-3