Monday, March 31, 2008

Something to ponder

Here is a passage I found to be a great response to the question, What was he thinking? that the ’shocked’ people asked when they heard rev wright’s “sermon”.

Over the weekend members of our church and others have been subjected to the relentless airing of two or three brief video clips of sermons by the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ for thirty-six years and, for over half of those years, pastor of Senator Barack Obama and his family. These video clips, and news stories about them, have been served up with frenzied and heated commentary by media personalities expressing shock that such language and sentiments could be uttered from the pulpit.

One is tempted to ask whether these commentators ever listen to the overcharged rhetoric of their own opinion shows. Even more to the point is to wonder whether they have a working knowledge of the history of preaching in the United States from the unrelentingly grim language of New England election day sermons to the fiery rhetoric of the Black church prophetic tradition. Maybe they prefer the false prophets with their happy homilies in Jeremiah who say to the people: “You shall not see the sword, nor shall you have famine, but I will give you true peace in this place.” To which God responds, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name; I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds. . . . By sword and famine those prophets shall be consumed,” (Jeremiah 14.14-15). The Biblical Jeremiah was coarse and provocative. Faithfulness, not respectability was the order of the day then. And now?

What’s really going on here? First, it may state the obvious to point out that these television and radio shows have very little interest in Trinity Church or Jeremiah Wright. Those who sifted through hours of sermons searching for a few lurid phrases and those who have aired them repeatedly have only one intention. It is to wound a presidential candidate. In the process a congregation that does exceptional ministry and a pastor who has given his life to shape those ministries is caricatured and demonized. You don’t have to be an Obama supporter to be alarmed at this. Will Clinton’s United Methodist Church be next? Or McCain’s Episcopal Church? Wouldn’t we have been just as alarmed had it been Huckabee’s Southern Baptist Church, or Romney’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

Many of us would prefer to avoid the stark and startling language Pastor Wright used in these clips. But what was his real crime? He is condemned for using a mild “obscenity” in reference to the United States. This week we mark the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq, a war conceived in deception and prosecuted in foolish arrogance. Nearly four thousand cherished Americans have been killed, countless more wounded, and tens of thousands of Iraqis slaughtered. Where is the real obscenity here? True patriotism requires a degree of self-criticism, even self-judgment that may not always be easy or genteel. Pastor Wright’s judgment may be starker and more sweeping than many of us are prepared to accept. But is the soul of our nation served any better by the polite prayers and gentle admonitions that have gone without a real hearing for these five years while the dying and destruction continues?

We might like to think that racism is a thing of the past, that Martin Luther King’s harmonious multi-racial vision, articulated in his speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 and then struck down by an assassin’s bullet in Memphis in 1968, has somehow been resurrected and now reigns throughout the land. Significant progress has been made. A black man is a legitimate candidate for President of the United States. A black woman serves as Secretary of State. The accomplishments are profound. But on the gritty streets of Chicago’s south side where Trinity has planted itself, race continues to play favorites in failing urban school systems, unresponsive health care systems, crumbling infrastructure, and meager economic development. Are we to pretend all is well because much is, in fact, better than it used to be? Is it racist to name the racial divides that continue to afflict our nation, and to do so loudly? How ironic that a pastor and congregation which, for forty-five years, has cast its lot with a predominantly white denomination, participating fully in its wider church life and contributing generously to it, would be accused of racial exclusion and a failure to reach for racial reconciliation.

The gospel narrative of Palm Sunday’s entrance into Jerusalem concludes with the overturning of the money changers’ tables in the Temple courtyard. Here wealth and power and greed were challenged for the way the poor were oppressed to the point of exclusion from a share in the religious practices of the Temple. Today we watch as the gap between the obscenely wealthy and the obscenely poor widens. More and more of our neighbors are relegated to minimal health care or to no health care at all. Foreclosures destroy families while unscrupulous lenders seek bailouts from regulators who turned a blind eye to the impending crisis. Should the preacher today respond to this with only a whisper and a sigh?

Is Pastor Wright to be ridiculed and condemned for refusing to play the court prophet, blessing land and sovereign while pledging allegiance to our preoccupation with wealth and our fascination with weapons? In the United Church of Christ we honor diversity. For nearly four centuries we have respected dissent and have struggled to maintain the freedom of the pulpit. Not every pastor in the United Church of Christ will want to share Pastor Wright’s rhetoric or his politics. Not every member will rise to shout “Amen!” But I trust we will all struggle in our own way to resist the lure of respectable religion that seeks to displace evangelical faith. For what this nation needs is not so much polite piety as the rough and radical word of the prophet calling us to repentance. And, as we struggle with that ancient calling, I pray we will be shrewd enough to name the hypocrisy of those who decry the mixing of religion and politics in order to serve their own political ends.

The Rev. John H. Thomas speaking at Trinity UCC on March 2, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We Have the Same Problem

It appears we do have the same problem we have had since 1976..Both partys have
done nothing to change our consumpsion habits except tax the shit out of
us..Which you are in favor of more I seem to recall,as long as obama or hillary
suggests them!
Study up your global economics and you will see that china,and Russia,and
India,are all competing for the black gold now,this is what is driving prices up
globally.That and the instability over in the middle east region.Hang onto your
ass orlee,cause its goin up to 5 bucks a gallon..No shit..So the sooner we lock
in air fare to vegas the better..I say less blame,more solutions are called
for..Shit,lets invade Iran,that should drive the prices love Dick
Cheney Mudd out

oil prices

By Orlee;
it appears we have a huge problem again.. seems like going to the gas pumps is like going to the bank and just saying put me a account at the pumps.. today our prices here in ohio and the arounding states is $3.45 .. i know for a fact new york and pennsylvania are of the same priceing with $3.29 being a bargin.. i was in new york last night..

when george bush became president the price of a barrel of oil was $39 dollars a gallon.. when asked what he thought of the prices going to be as high as $5.00 a gallon by summer he said.. "who told you that" the new man then said it is common knowledge. his response was .. "I didnt know that" .. of course he didnt know that .. when the hell has he filled a car at a gas pump lately.. but he should of known since his daddy has a permanent smile from all the profits his family is makeing..

myself i look at it as to how much more it takes me to get from one place to the next.. doesnt seem like alot of money when you look at it and say .. well its going to take me 50 cent or so more .. to go from point a to point b. but when you look at the other cost which will be going up .. like food because of delivery costs and every other service we get delivered .. air line tickets and so. on i could go on forever..

one more lovely thought.. once they get us to pay these prices. there wont be any drops .. you can bet on that when like the tax cuts we supposibly have had we actually got a break in anything.. ...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

they dont hate us

Orlee,I have to congratulate you and the rest of the older ohio women voters who
came out and rescued Hillary from an early retirement from the contest.I dont
know how she did it .(Im still smellin something fishy in those contests by the
way)The way the youth came out to vote it's still makin me scratch my head in to how she stole the vote..Probably the same way Bush stole
Florida,huh?lol...So now it will come down to superdelegates,and again,I think
with the way the election is being followed this time globally,Your party is
about to have a pretty tough convention.You better order extra hookers for the
delegates..Cause its gonna be like south korea's parliment swinging on each
other and trying to land kicks and head butts.You and Willy have it right
though,it aint over till november..I didnt vote in my primary eather,so things
could look real different by the time the main election comes around.I'm still
pissed and boycotting washington state elections cause of th
e gov race that was stolen by a democrat after a republican won the vote and the recounts,but on the 3rd
recount bullshit prevailed and they declared the other person the winner all of
a sudden..Horseshit back door politics I call it.
Also,My grandfather was a life member out of the painters union,and received a
union pension after he retired till he died..It wasnt much,but it was
something..And it did him good..But today my same painters union has sold my job
to illeagle mexicans and rotates 600 mexicans around for 200 jobs,in order that
nobody gets enough hours for benifits,and they get triple dues,and eliminated
vacation pay,and charge you twice for dues checkoff fee.I'm sorry,but this is
not the same union my grandfather helped build..In fact,his son,my uncle,quit
the union after 17 years service in disguest,along with his son my cousin. Both
are ultra craftsmen,like none left today in the unions.In california,they asked
my dad why he didnt go out to the jobsites anymore to see how the product was
performing(mudd) He would calmly tell them " I dont speak spanish!"Oh,and last year I bought my first non
american car,my saab..but it was already here,and the sweeds are ok,they dont
hate us..Mudd out.

Willy's going Goofy

 From Orlee
muddy if you and I were to be confidential advisors to the governement.. i would
> guess this country would be way different.. the reality of it is that we cant
> run the governement and we can hopefully get by with what is handed to us.. i
> have no problem with older people running our governement.. but i do think
> like every job in the united states at some point a, few really need to
> look at some of the men like kennedy.. he can hardly walk and he expects
> everyone to think he can live forever and do what he does.. i respect the man
> but there is alot of good men out there who should be able to try . some of
> very brightest is learning from the world how to handle it.. i would hope that
> the younger generation would take part and build this country to the best it
> and can be again.. look at the supreme court someone looks like they have to
> before a new judge is appointed..
> cheney for instance has a bad heart.. i think if your health is in question..
> its time to go.. i am sure they have enough money to get by..
> but if you look at the young now.. they live for the moment.. they try to plan
> for their own futures in a very different way than our fathers did..
> i know you do not agree on unions.. but trust and believe it was men from
> on who took the notion that to band together as one and fight for the right of
> all that made this country a much better place.. it put forth the bargining
> commitees to help families and to make sure the workers got their fair share.
> if you take the workers of the usa out of the formula.. because of prices then
> your taking the money out of the programs set up for our families.. in the
> 1970's way before anyone suggested we send our work outside the country..
> and i took care into always trying to buy made in america products.. its not
> easy to do that now.. look on any clothing shelf or product label you wont
> too many union labels.. thats sad.. so what our products cost us a slight
> price.. we had plenty of jobs and plenty of products to buy before we decided.
> to move thing out our country..
> they try to tell us that since we get things brought in were getting them
> cheaper.. i sure cant find anything cheaper to buy at a store..
> the everyday products we all use are way over priced..
> so getting jobs back is a very big deal to me..
> i guess i am rambling again.. but heres a funny thing happened to me and
> muddy here i sit.. willy is going goofy on me.. yesterday after the vote i
> asked him who he voted for .. his answer was.. its a private ballot.. i aint
> telling.. lol.. ya know what that means to me.. the battle is on.. for someone
> to say i love you we can conquer the world.. and then say .. i am not telling
> you who i voted for.. well.. the game is on.. ..
> now he has tried to tell me like 40 times who he voted for and each time i
> no no no.. i cant believe you now lol.. its driving him nuts.. when this all
> happened i told him he would be so proud to tell me the truth and tell me who
> voted for.. he says.. he voted for neither candidate.. that he wanted to just
> wait and see who would win.. his one lil vote wouldnt make a big difference..
> is actually very right.. had i thought of that i myself would of made that
> choice.. so i am unsure why he decided to not tell me this before we went to
> vote..
> oh by the way .. he will put a mark on the presidential vote ..

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Vote for Ralph Nader

I was proud of mike huckabee as he bowed out of the race.I was equally repulsed
by the McCain acceptance speech.What a cardboard cut out of a real person.All he
did was read poorly written cue cards and babble nonsense about you,and me,and
the end of useless govt spending and bla bla bla..The look in his eye told me he
was gettin some from his wifey as soon as he left the stage,probably missionary
position.I respectfully reserve my vote for president choice untill after the
democratic convention and who is running on their side..Shit,I might have to
vote for Ralph Nader,and I hate that fuckwad for outlawing the best car I ever
had (63 corvair)Wait,hes even older than McCain,nevermind.

Ohio is done

 from orlee
> > after yestedays vote seems like ohio is done for the moment.. although the
> momentum here was good.. hillary is the winner from us in case some didnt
> not sure how her delegates stack up at the moment but from all indications ..
> obama is still in the lead with delegates.. i am unsure which states still
> to vote.. muddy have you voted yet.. i was sorry to see your candidate
> leave the running actually..whats that mean in terms of your vote.. do you
> think you will sway to the democrat side? good question huh? or will you
> a republican..
> i have been watching mc cain close now.. to me he doesnt even seem to have
> anything of a good campain yet. maybe now that he is the only runner on the
> republican side. we will hear something about what his party stands for.. but
> the moment. i think hillary and obama will take the forefront on all news
> channels.. its going to be interesting to say the least..

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Make our country safe

 I dont want to try and influence your vote at all orlee.I want you to vote for
whoever you feel will
a.Not lie.
b.Keep our country safe
c.Challenge the job loss to overseas markets.
d.Someone who you wont feel you have to make excuses for.

Now,as far as your statement
". first off. the
> republicans lied about the extent of this war to everyone." totally untrue.In
fact,I seem to recall a speech Gw made at the start of this when he said "This
is not going to be easy,or quick.It will take a long time,and our will as a
country will be tested.And it wont be cheap.." I dont see how you can
misconstrue this as somebody said it would be over quickly.Nobody ever said
If you ment that george lied about weapons of mass destruction,again,this is
still not proven one way or another,at least in my world.I have seen interviews
with people who sweare they know that the weapons were moved to Siria,and where
they are to this day..I firmly believe this,and do not trust
iran,siria,pakistan,or anyone else on the henchmen of the worlds bribery list.Its all coming to a head over
there,trust me.We just havent declared ww3 yet,but that what it really is.I am
disapointed that you never checked into John McCain more before you go
vote.Maybe during the time before the real election you can check into his
qualifications further.Voting along party lines only will not ever end gridlock
in Washington D.C.In fact,I antisapate the Democratic party to be split by this
election,especially after obama wins the nomination,hillary steals it with
superdelegates,then obama runs as a independent,and the real democrats like
yourself will be wondering how the far left screwed up
your party.The young people are coming out in droves for obama,So maybe it is
time for a change..I hope obama can learn on the job training style,cause
hillary already knows how to steal our money from day 1. John McCain cannot win
against the young popular vote simply because of the age difference.To be
honest,I'm fucking tired of the assholes my dads age running everything..they are the ones who fucked the world up in my humble
opinion.They did defeate the natzis and japanese over 50 years ago,but I have to
agree with the arab world on this,that they devided up the world after ww2
unfairly,and dominated the global markets,which,I guess,is part of the "to to
victors come the spoils".Which brings us to another question..How long can we
keep doing it?This is what is driving the jobs lost to overseas competition.We
still need fair trade,not protectionism.In my humble opinion..Now go out.

More orlee

the vote for super tuesday is tomorrow.. boy every other commercial on t v is vote for hillary and obama.. i am torn by this vote for sure.. i want to mark my spot for hillary.. but i have to believe that she voted for the war from hell.. and that she was first lady when the jobs started to be sent from our country.. but i cant blame her for that one . or the war actually .. first off. the republicans lied about the extent of this war to everyone.. second.. it was a time when everyone was confused except george bush on what he was doing.. and third.. she must of had our country in the forfront of her mind to make the decision like alot of others who was lied to to vote in favor of plus she should of called me we would of done coffee and i would of changed her mind about fighting.. . myself i would of abstained from voting at all.. secondly the job losses.. it was not her real choice .. i would of hoped that she didn't actually have any part of that .. but bill did and i am sure as we all know.. in anything that comes before the president.. there is hidden adgendas and things added that are worded so no one understands it and makes huge loop holes .. so i guess i can excuse her for that too..

now obama.. here is a very very smart man.. who pertains to want to change our country for the best.. he wants to give tax breaks to companies who will stay here and make jobs here.. which is as it should be.. he says he wil help fix our health care system.. but they all say that one..
and that he will be a president for the middle class. whats left of us..
but that tiny little nudging in my brain says.. look if its too good to be true its probably something to be leary of..

so i guess i will be standing in a cloth booth tomorrow with the same questions in my head and hope for the best.. i do know this we cant take another 4 years of the republican reign.. sorry to those who may disagree with me..

i guess this is a disclaimer.. anything in this email is of my own oppionion.. not to be fought over and not to be lol a challenge from one side to the other.. lol.. so muddy if you have anything to say.. which might change my mind .. bring it on lol.. yea yea yea and huckabee.. but i dont get that choice on my ballot and i am not a switch hitter.. i stick with my democratic vote..