Tuesday, March 04, 2008

More orlee

the vote for super tuesday is tomorrow.. boy every other commercial on t v is vote for hillary and obama.. i am torn by this vote for sure.. i want to mark my spot for hillary.. but i have to believe that she voted for the war from hell.. and that she was first lady when the jobs started to be sent from our country.. but i cant blame her for that one . or the war actually .. first off. the republicans lied about the extent of this war to everyone.. second.. it was a time when everyone was confused except george bush on what he was doing.. and third.. she must of had our country in the forfront of her mind to make the decision like alot of others who was lied to to vote in favor of it.lol plus she should of called me we would of done coffee and i would of changed her mind about fighting.. . myself i would of abstained from voting at all.. secondly the job losses.. it was not her real choice .. i would of hoped that she didn't actually have any part of that .. but bill did and i am sure as we all know.. in anything that comes before the president.. there is hidden adgendas and things added that are worded so no one understands it and makes huge loop holes .. so i guess i can excuse her for that too..

now obama.. here is a very very smart man.. who pertains to want to change our country for the best.. he wants to give tax breaks to companies who will stay here and make jobs here.. which is as it should be.. he says he wil help fix our health care system.. but they all say that one..
and that he will be a president for the middle class. whats left of us..
but that tiny little nudging in my brain says.. look if its too good to be true its probably something to be leary of..

so i guess i will be standing in a cloth booth tomorrow with the same questions in my head and hope for the best.. i do know this we cant take another 4 years of the republican reign.. sorry to those who may disagree with me..

i guess this is a disclaimer.. anything in this email is of my own oppionion.. not to be fought over and not to be lol a challenge from one side to the other.. lol.. so muddy if you have anything to say.. which might change my mind .. bring it on lol.. yea yea yea and huckabee.. but i dont get that choice on my ballot and i am not a switch hitter.. i stick with my democratic vote..

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