Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Make our country safe

 I dont want to try and influence your vote at all orlee.I want you to vote for
whoever you feel will
a.Not lie.
b.Keep our country safe
c.Challenge the job loss to overseas markets.
d.Someone who you wont feel you have to make excuses for.

Now,as far as your statement
". first off. the
> republicans lied about the extent of this war to everyone." totally untrue.In
fact,I seem to recall a speech Gw made at the start of this when he said "This
is not going to be easy,or quick.It will take a long time,and our will as a
country will be tested.And it wont be cheap.." I dont see how you can
misconstrue this as somebody said it would be over quickly.Nobody ever said
If you ment that george lied about weapons of mass destruction,again,this is
still not proven one way or another,at least in my world.I have seen interviews
with people who sweare they know that the weapons were moved to Siria,and where
they are to this day..I firmly believe this,and do not trust
iran,siria,pakistan,or anyone else on the henchmen of the worlds bribery list.Its all coming to a head over
there,trust me.We just havent declared ww3 yet,but that what it really is.I am
disapointed that you never checked into John McCain more before you go
vote.Maybe during the time before the real election you can check into his
qualifications further.Voting along party lines only will not ever end gridlock
in Washington D.C.In fact,I antisapate the Democratic party to be split by this
election,especially after obama wins the nomination,hillary steals it with
superdelegates,then obama runs as a independent,and the real democrats like
yourself will be wondering how the far left screwed up
your party.The young people are coming out in droves for obama,So maybe it is
time for a change..I hope obama can learn on the job training style,cause
hillary already knows how to steal our money from day 1. John McCain cannot win
against the young popular vote simply because of the age difference.To be
honest,I'm fucking tired of the assholes my dads age running everything..they are the ones who fucked the world up in my humble
opinion.They did defeate the natzis and japanese over 50 years ago,but I have to
agree with the arab world on this,that they devided up the world after ww2
unfairly,and dominated the global markets,which,I guess,is part of the "to to
victors come the spoils".Which brings us to another question..How long can we
keep doing it?This is what is driving the jobs lost to overseas competition.We
still need fair trade,not protectionism.In my humble opinion..Now go
vote..lol..Mudd out.

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