Thursday, September 22, 2005

Blog Anniversary

Has it been a whole year?Hard to imagine,but yes Virginia,there is a blogsanta!I didnt think I would still be blogging after a year of trying to find santuary online.I mean,some people uncovered real vital stuff in the last year of blogging.Ask Dan Rather if he blogs yet?lol..maybe its time he starts..My Dad demanded to know "what the hell is a blog?" When I explained it was simply a web page you add to frequently,he replied " o , ok...He almost has it down the difference between a program and a web site.He actually does very well for a man in his 70's.He said to me recently " I think the web is great for keeping my mind sharp".Atta boy..keep exercizing that muscle till your 99 years old!Dont ever quit..

1 comment:

Mudd said...

I miss you Dad..