Sunday, November 28, 2004

Realization of truth and cosmic purpose

Our true purpose as human beings can accurately be called, "the aim of evolution", which is self knowledge and species advancement, or in other words, the expansion of consciousness. Existence has it's own cosmic purpose in the evolution of life, of which we are an inextricable part. Our purpose is to further advance this Cosmic Cause, through wise decision making and spiritual inspiration. Higher and higher love combined with progressive clarity, can and must become the new, standard human interaction toward that end. We CAN intentionally cultivate these qualities together.. It is this evolutionary purpose that is based upon the development of the consciousness we ARE, and which all life IS, that will save our species from the brink upon which it is now poised. Without sufficient realization of truth and Cosmic Purpose, our species will remain lost in it's own delusions about what life is all about. Until realizing this, we will remain fixated upon brand names, television sit-coms, fashion trends and gossip magazines, until the day of our collective extinction. Until we realize the inherent purpose of life, as opposed to the artificial, human-made purposes of corporate greed, we will always be moving toward entropy, war and insanity of all kinds. The purposes and laws of Nature will not be denied forever. If ever there was a test of our fitness to survive and evolve, this recognition is IT

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