Friday, December 31, 2004

I emailed president bush this week urging him to send more aid to the tsunami is the transcript
Mr President,I have supported you for 4 years now,and voted you back in office to compleate your mission of spreading peace and democracy around the world.But things have changed again as they will ,and I want to ask you a favor..Is it possible for your party in january be subdued or maybe even cancelled because of the disaster situation in the asian gulf?I know you earned it,and you have the right to celibrate,you and the Republican party.It just seems wrong to party while so many need our help.Cant you talk to your money doners for the party and have a old fashoned barn dance instead and have them donate most or all of the money that would have been spent for food and water for the victoms?I am a third generation Californian,Republican, Buddhist.and would like you to know there has never been a war fought in buddhas name,nor do these people ever plan to start one.These gentle people need our help now,not later.This might be your one chance to change the way the rest of the world views you and your administration.I hope you listen to your heart on this..and become an even greater leader than you already are..Sincerely Scott Taylor
he didnt respond personally to my email,but I did get the standard form email back,stating he cant personally respond yada yada yada..but today he increased the aid to 350 million..That is a start,Mr. President!All of my online friends have donated also,so good job to all!

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