Monday, October 25, 2004

Knowing Source

I was told:
Recognise your source as being from Divine origin. When you do this with self, you will realise that all others have their deepest feelings nestled in Divine source. When compassion for all, and understanding of all, is achieved upon this plane, unconditional love will be for all creatures, and peace shall truly reign upon your planet.
When love is without duty, but purely from the heart, it is well towards becoming unconditional. Serving through love is Divine. Let your deepest feelings be your guide. Feel with your whole being. Do not block feelings. Let them exist and be. Acknowledge them. All feelings are part of the whole. All have their roots in Divine source. Allow the feelings which are deepest to emerge into the light and they will be transformed by the love of God.
Every creature seeks for love. That is the essence of all life. When total unconditional love is achieved, all things upon your planet will be healed. Give with your whole heart. There is naught you cannot achieve when you give with love. Love is a force stronger than any others. Compassion and love go hand in hand. Let understanding be your guide. Allow the light to enter all phases of your being and let it shine for all . .

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