Tuesday, February 19, 2008

7 Issues

Easy mikey..I did not get personal..If I'd wanted to,I could have..Even though
the smear job on republicans could be viewed as a personal attack also.Funny you
dont defend attacks both ways..Orlee and I can get pretty snappy at each other
without drawing blood.I still love her,and am sure she still would stick her
hand down my pants if she gets another chance.I even numbered my response's so
it would be clear Which false accusations towards the republican party I was
addressing.I still stand by every one of my answers towards that discussion.Nows
as to the pension stuff,I was replying to the accusation that every one of
orlees friends have no pension and now cannot rely on social security..Can we be
frank??You were never supposed to rely on social security..Even I knew this as a
teenager.And besides that,the democrates in congress say social security doesnt
need fixing..So when I suggested orlee and willy share their good fortune,it was
simply that..A suggestion..And I could have g
uessed both of your responses to that.You are both way too predictable.Cover the page with nonsense that
doesnt apply to what the discussion really is about.Like I need a lecture about
pensions..Not 1 word you wrote about pensions applys to what I wrote or was
refering to.

> So what gives you the right to judge Orlee's friends and their lack of
> pensions? You have NO CLUE as to the circumstances behind it. And then
> to suggest she throw some of her and Willie's pension funds over the fence
> to them .... that's out of line ... even for you.

Even for me huh? I guess I win the rerpublican asshole award for the month when
the truth is plain as day.As usual,shit thrown the republican way is ok,but
never type the stark cold truth,as you will be out of line..Same as your cnn
buddies..and msnbc buddies..and cbs croonies..and abc idiots..Add up everyone
who watches all those news channels and you will get about half the ratings of
my fox news channel,o so biased as pete claimed..Its nice to get a bias the
right way sometimes..instead of the deck always being stacked to the left.So pick a number from 1-7 of
what I wrote and we can discuss real issues instead of making up tangents to get
upset about.In fact I dare you to discuss all 7 issues I wrote about..O thats
right,you all hate hearing the truth..I eagerly await the responses! Muddles

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