Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The cream shall rise

Mike,we do agree after all..politics and religion should be kept seperate..And
just so you can understand my email better,I was simply stating to orlee that
all our ills are not georges fault.And again we agree.the system is broken..Now
the question should be...how can we fix it?One man (or woman) cannot fix all the
problems of our country,let alone the world.So I for one do not expect them to.
Its is up to us..each of us,and together we will do whats right.
Now I would like to debate the democrats elite trying to steal obamas
nomination..So floridas votes and Michigans were not supposed to count because
of activities that were not legal.Now we see the old party hacks trying to get
these delegates for hillary when they were not supposed to count..I say every
democrat trying this is a crook,and should be voted out of office as soon as
possible.Some are not even in office anymore (like geraldene ferraro)
This is not a coronation of mrs clinton simply because some on the left would
like to return to the "days of bill" because so many people got rich on the internet bubble.Trust me,all
was not rosey in the 90s despite what some would have us believe.I worked on
alot of those internet rich companys buildings,and I can tell you that alot of
money was wasted.Most are not even in business anymore,after spending so much
capital on fancy smancy door systems i've never even seen in rich peoples
buildings.Ok,back to politics..I hereby declare we start a new political
party..The left,right,and middle are taken..That leaves the top,and the
bottom..I suggest we start the bottom party,as we will work our way to the
top.Normally,I would start at the top,and work my way down,using gravity..But in
this case,the bottom means the little guys..us..The working (and retired) poor.I
hereby nominate all of you as superdelegates in the bottom party.Equal rights
will rein in the power sharing arrangement.An
d pot for every chicken..lol..I think I'm on to something here..I better
copyright the Bottom Party before some gay group protests..
And the cream shall rise to the top!

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