Thursday, February 28, 2008

Enduring Questions

ok..lets answer those enduring questions for you this morning..First question:
1.What the hell has mc cain promised he will do if elected?I think he has
promised to be president.Other than that,do you really expect these guys to
accomplish any of what they promise in the run for president??The truth is,none
of what they promise will be acted on..If you vote because of what they
promise,I doubt if you will get what you want.And as far as following in the
footsteps of his now boss...Who do you think his now boss is?He is a senator
from Arizona,so I guess his boss would be the people of Arizona.and when He's in
Washington,I guess you could consider Dick Cheiny his boss as he is the head of
the senate.George is not his boss so quit trying to smear bush again.I am glad
you finally started to look at other candidates though.I cant wait till you pass
the democratic nonsense and start smearing the current candidates.Should be any
day now we should see it start from your party.I tried to get a debate going
about the crooks trying to steal obamas thunder from your part
y,but that was ignored,I assume because you want hillary to win,but I might be
wrong on that.I still await a discourse on that subject..I still have copys of
that email if you need a refresher.

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